A record number of business and community leaders from San Antonio are gearing up for
The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce’s 32nd Annual SA to DC trip March 21-24. And the timing could not be more critical.
Participants have scheduled small group visits with legislators and members of the administration regarding 12 issues that are identified as priority for San Antonio. Priorities for this year are: aerospace, air quality, bioscience, education, health care, immigration, information technology, international trade, military, small business, transportation and water.
“What makes this trip so impactful is that lawmakers hear a unified voice from our city on critical issues that face our community,” said Chamber President and CEO Richard Perez.
Key individuals attending this year’s event include Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, County Commissioner Tommy Adkisson, and City Manager Sheryl Sculley. The business community will be represented by CEOs, Presidents, local Superintendents and other executives from the area’s largest industry sectors.
The 2010 Legislative Agenda is full of topics that can shape the future of San Antonio in many areas. A complete legislative agenda, schedule and list of participants is available and being updated daily online at The Chamber’s SA to DC web site. The SA to DC trip is produced in partnership with the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Schedule highlights:Monday, March 22 • “Washington Political Update” presented by former Congressional Representatives Jim Chapman and Susan Molinari (Bracewell & Giuliani)
• visit to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and briefing by US Chamber President, Tom Donohue
• a group representing San Antonio’s military affairs interests will visit the Pentagon
• reception at the Canadian Embassy
Tuesday, March 23• presentation on national security by the former Director of the National Security Agency and Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Michael Hayden, USAF Gen. (ret)
• briefing on cyber security from Dr. Peter Fonash, Chief Technology Officer, Cyber Security and Communications, Department of Homeland Security
• discussion on the challenges in the Washington DC school district by Michelle Rhee, Chancellor of Washington, DC Schools
Wednesday, March 24• briefing from the Federal Highway Administrator, Victor M. Mendez