Tuesday, February 28, 2012

SA to DC Salutes Senator Hutchison

In 1993, Texans elected Kay Bailey Hutchison to the US senate in a special election, making her the first and still only woman to represent the state in th eSenate. One year later she was re-elected to a full six year term and has not looked back since. She played a key role in helping to make 'lemonade out of lemons' when San Antonio heard that Kelly Air Force Base would close. The transformation from Kelly AFB to Port San Antonio is now a national model of success.

Senator Hutchison was introduced in the meeting and likened to a 'blond Moses' who helped lead us through a wilderness, to come out in a much better place.

She recalled the many times she relied on the business community and the Bexar County delegation of legislators to get great things done for the citizens of San Antonio and Texas.

Here is a sample of her remarks to the SA to DC delegation.

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